Distributed Ledger Technology

  • U.S-EU Joint Statement of the Trade and Technology Council

    The sixth ministerial meeting of the Trade and Technology Council (“TTC”) took place in Leuven, Belgium, on 4 and 5 April 2024. It was co-chaired by European Commission Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager, European Commission Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis, United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken, United States Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, and… Read more

  • Working paper: Towards a European “Trade Services” Regulation

    Within international trade, transferable documents allow to request delivery of goods and payment based on possession of the document. Yet, it has been difficult to reproduce the notion of possession, which has to do with control over tangible goods, in an electronic environment. In order to address that situation, the adoption in 2017 by the… Read more

  • EU-Japan Memorandum of Cooperation on Digital Identities and Trust services to implement Data Free Flow with Trust

    This Memorandum of Cooperation describes how the Digital Agency of Japan and the European Commission intend to take collaborative actions on digital identity in order to facilitate Data Free Flow with Trust. The Memorandum should be implemented through a number of collaborative actions that will build shared commitment on digital identity initiatives and complement the… Read more

  • Study on the Potential of Blockchain Technology and Other Digital Tools in Facilitating EU Climate Policy Implementation

    This study explores the potential of blockchain technology and digital solutions to support the implementation of European Union (EU) climate policies by the European Commission. The main objective is to identify EU climate policies that can benefit from distributed ledger technologies (DLT) and digital tools. The study comprises three tasks: The study evaluates the advantages… Read more

  • Harnessing Blockchain Technologies for Sustainable Development


    The harnessing of blockchain technologies, to contribute to development priorities in countries and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, is discussed in this note. The potential of blockchain technology for sustainable development is illustrated, demonstrating how its use might revolutionize processes in various areas, from finance to trade and from government public services to… Read more

  • Impact of eIDAS Revision and EU Digital Identity  Landscape on Data Spaces Development

    This report explores the impact of the eIDAS revision (eIDAS2) and the evolving EU Digital Identity landscape on data spaces. It emphasises the critical role of digital identity as a fundamental building block for data spaces, analysing how eIDAS regulations, both current and revised, offer opportunities for enhancing digital identity procedures in data spaces. The… Read more

  • Cross-border Paperless Trade Toolkit


    Using electronic documents and transactions can speed up and increase trade. Electronic messages can eliminate the need to enter data into a computer manually at each supply chain checkpoint and can provide opportunities for the potential reuse of data. There are various ways to digitize trade documents and transactions. One way is simply to take… Read more

  • G20 Collection of Digital Identity Practices

    Under the 2021 Italian Presidency, the G20 recognised digital identity as a priority for achieving social and economic inclusion, forming part of its broader commitments to advancing digital government through the work of the G20 Digital Economy Task Force (DETF). As enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all individuals have the right to… Read more

  • Blockchain for Supply Chains and International Trade

    The study confirms the strong potential of blockchain technology in the domain of international trade document exchange. However, changing international trade processes in this way would require adaptations of the legislative framework and policy-driven initiatives. The study’s analysis of the legislative framework and current policies in both international trade and blockchain technologies emphasised the challenges… Read more