
  • Study on New Digital Payment Method


    This study seeks to provide the European Central Bank (ECB) with a thorough understanding of the current payment habits of citizens of euro area countries and specifically their attitudes towards digital payment methods. In addition, it aims to explore the user perspective on new digital payment methods and potential key features which could drive the… Read more

  • The Electronic Bill of Lading Declaration


    The FIT Alliance was formed in February 2022 with five founding members: BIMCO, DCSA, FIATA, ICC and SWIFT. The key objectives of the FIT Alliance are to raise awareness and accelerate adoption of a standards-based electronic bill of lading (eBL)across all sectors of the shipping industry: a universal eBL. A universal eBL would benefit all… Read more

  • Digital Optimisation Paving the Way for Strategic Supplier Management


    In the era of digital transformation, supplier management and procurement came late. But over the past two years, companies have learned how vulnerable global supply chains are to disruption, making the digitisation of supplier management and procurement processes more important again. While cost reduction remains a priority, procurement needs to be more flexible and its… Read more

  • G20 Collection of Digital Identity Practices

    Under the 2021 Italian Presidency, the G20 recognised digital identity as a priority for achieving social and economic inclusion, forming part of its broader commitments to advancing digital government through the work of the G20 Digital Economy Task Force (DETF). As enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all individuals have the right to… Read more

  • Trade finance for SMEs in the digital era


    International trade is associated with positive impacts on growth, and acts as a particularly important channel of positive spill-overs for SMEs, including in the area of managerial skills, technology and innovation. Access to trade finance can facilitate SME engagement in international trade by addressing two major challenges. First, both exporters and importers are exposed to… Read more

  • Blockchain & DLT in Trade: Where do We Stand?


    Distributed ledger technology (DLT)1 in trade is usually used for two primary purposes: 1) track-and-trace, to enhance transparency on how goods are being processed and 2) the digitalization of trade processes. Track-and-trace itself has three main purposes. First, it can be used to increase transparency for customers and build trust. This is done by providing… Read more

  • Technology and digitization in supply chain finance


    The spread of digital tools, the increased availability of data on both business and financial interactions, and the improvments in data processing capacities are all critical to the expansion of supply chain and distributor finance. Digital integration of traditional retailers/suppliers and distributors/manufacturers is a pathway for addressing working capital challenges and driving financial inclusion, as… Read more

  • Preparatory Actions to pilot a Digital Multi-modal Transport Corridor between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea


    The overall objective of the report is to provide preparatory actions required to pilot a Digital Multi-modal Transport Corridor (DTC) in Eastern Partnership region. The geographical scope of the activity is between the Baltic sea and the Black sea, focusing on corridor Lithuania – Belarus – Ukraine. The preparatory actions are developed in the scope… Read more

  • Blockchain for Supply Chains and International Trade

    The study confirms the strong potential of blockchain technology in the domain of international trade document exchange. However, changing international trade processes in this way would require adaptations of the legislative framework and policy-driven initiatives. The study’s analysis of the legislative framework and current policies in both international trade and blockchain technologies emphasised the challenges… Read more

  • Digital Identity Guidelines


    Digital identity is the unique representation of a subject engaged in an online transaction. A digital identity is always unique in the context of a digital service, but does not necessarily need to be traceable back to a specific real-life subject. In other words, accessing a digital service may not mean that the underlying subject’s… Read more