
  • Interoperable Europe Act


    Regulation (EU) 2024/903, known as the Interoperable Europe Act, aims to establish a framework for achieving a high level of public sector interoperability across the European Union. Adopted on March 13, 2024, the regulation focuses on enhancing the efficiency and coordination of public services within the EU by standardizing technical, legal, and organizational aspects of… Read more

  • Impact of eIDAS Revision and EU Digital Identity  Landscape on Data Spaces Development

    This report explores the impact of the eIDAS revision (eIDAS2) and the evolving EU Digital Identity landscape on data spaces. It emphasises the critical role of digital identity as a fundamental building block for data spaces, analysing how eIDAS regulations, both current and revised, offer opportunities for enhancing digital identity procedures in data spaces. The… Read more

  • Roadmap for the Digitalization of Multimodal Data and Documents Exchange Along the Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor, Using United Nations Legal Instruments and Standards

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    Recognizing the historical importance of digital technologies and noting the importance of digital transformation for enhancing the integration of landlocked developing countries in the global economy, creating new opportunities for trade and transport to reap the full benefits of green and sustainable economic development, Confirming the conclusions of the 70th session of the United Nations… Read more

  • Blueprint Paper on Digital Trade and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records

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    For centuries, as the backbone of the global economy, domestic and international trade, and trade finance, have driven business practices that evolved into legal norms. These have been conducted and recorded in vast numbers of paper-based documents, the exchange of which continues to be mostly done physically. This paper-based process has many deficiencies and inefficiencies.… Read more

  • Recommendation of the Council on the Governance of Digital Identity

    The Recommendation on the Governance of Digital Identity was adopted by the OECD Council meeting at Ministerial level on 8 June 2023 on the proposal of the Public Governance Committee (PGC). The Recommendation aims to guide Adherents in their efforts to successfully establish domestic approaches to digital identity that are user-centred, trusted and well-governed and… Read more

  • Speeding up the Digitalisation of Trade Finance

    International trade between professionals is built on a complex documentary chain, yet it is far less digitalised than e-commerce. The latter enables consumers to order or exchange goods and services, cancel orders, have items delivered and pay without a single paper-based document. Less than 0.1% of the four billion new documents produced each year in… Read more

  • Meeting of Ministers of SPECA Participating States

    We, the Ministers/the Head of delegations of SPECA participating States – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, gathered in Geneva on April 17 of 2023 on the margins of the 70th Session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) for a high-level dialogue with heads of the United Nations regional commissions, Permanent… Read more

  • G20 Collection of Digital Identity Practices

    Under the 2021 Italian Presidency, the G20 recognised digital identity as a priority for achieving social and economic inclusion, forming part of its broader commitments to advancing digital government through the work of the G20 Digital Economy Task Force (DETF). As enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all individuals have the right to… Read more

  • Blockchain for Supply Chains and International Trade

    The study confirms the strong potential of blockchain technology in the domain of international trade document exchange. However, changing international trade processes in this way would require adaptations of the legislative framework and policy-driven initiatives. The study’s analysis of the legislative framework and current policies in both international trade and blockchain technologies emphasised the challenges… Read more

  • National Strategies and Policies for Digital Identity Management in OECD Countries

    In November 2009, the OECD Secretariat circulated a questionnaire (cf. annex III) to delegations of the Working Party on Information Security and Privacy (WPISP) to gather information on their national strategies and policies for digital identity management. The main objectives were to illustrate and supplement the information provided in the report developed in 2008-2009 on… Read more