
  • White Paper Cross-Border Multimodal Digital Corridors for Regulatory-Related Movements of Consignment Data and Consignment Status Information for Trade Facilitation

    This white paper has been created under the purview of the UN/CEFACT cross-border management domain and focuses on improving the cross-border flow of all types of freight consignments by applying digital solutions. A digital corridor is an electronic platform that connects multiple trade ecosystems (e.g. air/ocean/land community systems or single window systems) to share the… Read more

  • Electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) Regulation


    Regulation (EU) 2020/1056, adopted on July 15, 2020, establishes a legal framework for the electronic exchange of freight transport information (eFTI) across the European Union. The regulation aims to digitalise freight transport operations, making it mandatory for public authorities to accept electronic transport documents provided by businesses. This facilitates more efficient logistics processes, reduces administrative… Read more

  • Consultation to Inform Options for Implementing the Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records in Australia


    Australian Government undertaking a public consultation to advise on options for implementing legislation aligned with the Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR). The MLETR is a model law developed by the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). It contains a set of provisions which, if adopted into domestic law, would confirm that transferable… Read more

  • The EU Digital Identity Wallet: a New Tool for Remote Signing with Qualified Electronic Signatures

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    The Cloud Signature Consortium welcomes changes to the eIDASRegulation that pave the way for a new and ambitious European digitalidentity framework. At its core is the European digital identity wallet.This will provide EU citizens and residents with a secure and convenient formof digital identification to access public and private sector services throughoutthe entire EU bloc.… Read more

  • African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Legal Texts and Policy Documents

    The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is flagship project of the African Union’s Agenda 2063, a blueprint for attaining inclusive and sustainable development across the continent over the next 50 years. It aims to boost intra-African trade by providing a comprehensive and mutually beneficial trade agreement among the State Parties covering trade in goods and… Read more

  • The Use of Insurance Documents in International Trade – Enabling Digitalisation

    For the past few years, work has been underway to harness emerging technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the insurance industry. The technologies can be harnessed to digitalise cargo insurance documentation. However, one of the barriers to adopting and using digital alternatives is the legal… Read more

  • Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce

    The following communication, dated 26 July 2024 is being circulated at the request of Australia, Japan and Singapore as Co-Convenors on behalf of the participants of the Joint Statement Initiative on Electronic Commerce. We recognise the importance of global electronic commerce and the opportunities it creates for inclusive trade and development, and the important role… Read more

  • Deep-Tier Supply Chain Finance: Unlocking the Potential

    Deep-tier supply chain finance (DTSCF) not only unlocks finance at favorable rates for deeper tiers in a supply chain, but it promotes an ecosystem of financial stability, risk management, and sustainability throughout the entire supply chain. DTSCF has the potential to reshape and strengthen traditional relationships by fostering more resilient; transparent; and environmental, social, and… Read more

  • Working paper: Towards a European “Trade Services” Regulation

    Within international trade, transferable documents allow to request delivery of goods and payment based on possession of the document. Yet, it has been difficult to reproduce the notion of possession, which has to do with control over tangible goods, in an electronic environment. In order to address that situation, the adoption in 2017 by the… Read more

  • Benefits of the Digitalisation of Trade Processes and Cross Border Barriers to their Adoption

    Trade digitalisation is the improvement or enabling of processes through leveraging digital technologies and digitised data. In the context of international trade, this involves the digitalisation of trade-related information flows. Digitalisation will enable the exchange of trade-related data, documents, and electronic authorisations between parties in the supply chain. Trade digitalisation is attracting greater policy attention… Read more