
  • Study on Digital Wallet Features


    The focus groups were used to examine participants’ understanding, perception and current use of existing digital payment methods, and their reaction to specific digital wallet features. The selection of the features was based on insights gained from the ‘Study on New Digital Payment Methods’ (March 2022), which was undertaken with a view to supporting digital… Read more

  • Cross-border Paperless Trade Toolkit


    Using electronic documents and transactions can speed up and increase trade. Electronic messages can eliminate the need to enter data into a computer manually at each supply chain checkpoint and can provide opportunities for the potential reuse of data. There are various ways to digitize trade documents and transactions. One way is simply to take… Read more

  • Basics of Digital Signature Techniques and Trust Services


    The eIDAS-regulation, which came fully into force in July 2016, provides a Europe wide mandatory legal framework for digital identities and trust services. It enables trustworthy digital transaction between public administrations, companies and citizens of the European Member States. In this context, eIDAS contains two main parts: digital identities and trust services. This publication focuses… Read more

  • Verifiable Trust: A Foundational Digital Layer Underpinning the Physical, Financial, and Information Supply Chain


    Digital trade, or the application of digital technologies to trade and supply chain processes, is an opportunity to drive efficiency, speed, and resilience for companies, industries and countries that rely on trade for growth. The pace of technological advancement, and the falling cost of computing power and storage, now make the benefits of digitally-enabled trade… Read more

  • eDATA Verifiable Credentials for Cross Border Trade


    The international supply chain is growing in complexity at the same time as nation states seek to improve their border compliance for imports and facilitate access to export markets for their domestic producers. The global value chain is highly dependent on smooth cross-border supply flows (tangible, intangible and data). In an uncertain world that is… Read more

  • Study on New Digital Payment Method


    This study seeks to provide the European Central Bank (ECB) with a thorough understanding of the current payment habits of citizens of euro area countries and specifically their attitudes towards digital payment methods. In addition, it aims to explore the user perspective on new digital payment methods and potential key features which could drive the… Read more

  • Digital Optimisation Paving the Way for Strategic Supplier Management


    In the era of digital transformation, supplier management and procurement came late. But over the past two years, companies have learned how vulnerable global supply chains are to disruption, making the digitisation of supplier management and procurement processes more important again. While cost reduction remains a priority, procurement needs to be more flexible and its… Read more

  • G20 Collection of Digital Identity Practices

    Under the 2021 Italian Presidency, the G20 recognised digital identity as a priority for achieving social and economic inclusion, forming part of its broader commitments to advancing digital government through the work of the G20 Digital Economy Task Force (DETF). As enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all individuals have the right to… Read more

  • Trade finance for SMEs in the digital era


    International trade is associated with positive impacts on growth, and acts as a particularly important channel of positive spill-overs for SMEs, including in the area of managerial skills, technology and innovation. Access to trade finance can facilitate SME engagement in international trade by addressing two major challenges. First, both exporters and importers are exposed to… Read more

  • Blockchain & DLT in Trade: Where do We Stand?


    Distributed ledger technology (DLT)1 in trade is usually used for two primary purposes: 1) track-and-trace, to enhance transparency on how goods are being processed and 2) the digitalization of trade processes. Track-and-trace itself has three main purposes. First, it can be used to increase transparency for customers and build trust. This is done by providing… Read more