
  • Technology and digitization in supply chain finance


    The spread of digital tools, the increased availability of data on both business and financial interactions, and the improvments in data processing capacities are all critical to the expansion of supply chain and distributor finance. Digital integration of traditional retailers/suppliers and distributors/manufacturers is a pathway for addressing working capital challenges and driving financial inclusion, as… Read more

  • Preparatory Actions to pilot a Digital Multi-modal Transport Corridor between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea


    The overall objective of the report is to provide preparatory actions required to pilot a Digital Multi-modal Transport Corridor (DTC) in Eastern Partnership region. The geographical scope of the activity is between the Baltic sea and the Black sea, focusing on corridor Lithuania – Belarus – Ukraine. The preparatory actions are developed in the scope… Read more

  • Blockchain for Supply Chains and International Trade

    The study confirms the strong potential of blockchain technology in the domain of international trade document exchange. However, changing international trade processes in this way would require adaptations of the legislative framework and policy-driven initiatives. The study’s analysis of the legislative framework and current policies in both international trade and blockchain technologies emphasised the challenges… Read more

  • Digital Identity Guidelines


    Digital identity is the unique representation of a subject engaged in an online transaction. A digital identity is always unique in the context of a digital service, but does not necessarily need to be traceable back to a specific real-life subject. In other words, accessing a digital service may not mean that the underlying subject’s… Read more

  • Brazilian Digital Transformation Strategy


    Digital technologies are increasingly present in everyone’s life: at home, at work, in schools, media and in social relations. Our national economy must transform with dynamism, competitiveness and inclusion, embedding digitalization in processes, values and knowledge, so that Brazil can completely explore the digital revolution and reap the benefits that the information and knowledge society… Read more

  • National Strategies and Policies for Digital Identity Management in OECD Countries

    In November 2009, the OECD Secretariat circulated a questionnaire (cf. annex III) to delegations of the Working Party on Information Security and Privacy (WPISP) to gather information on their national strategies and policies for digital identity management. The main objectives were to illustrate and supplement the information provided in the report developed in 2008-2009 on… Read more