Impact of eIDAS Revision and EU Digital Identity  Landscape on Data Spaces Development

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This report explores the impact of the eIDAS revision (eIDAS2) and the evolving EU Digital Identity landscape on data spaces. It emphasises the critical role of digital identity as a fundamental building block for data spaces, analysing how eIDAS regulations, both current and revised, offer opportunities for enhancing digital identity procedures in data spaces.

The report delves into the market perspective, examining trust services under eIDAS and their significance in trustworthy data sharing within data spaces. It presents practical steps for data spaces to implement suitable digital identity solutions, aligning with regulatory and market perspectives.

Data spaces are recommended to do three things to face the impact of the eIDAS revision head on:

  1. Engage proactively with eIDAS regulation: leverage eIDAS1 and eIDAS2 functionalities to improve your digital identity processes. For data spaces that face mandatory acceptance of the EDIW (EU Digital Identity Wallets), be aware that implementation timelines are short. The issuance of the EDIW is expected at the beginning of 2026. It is recommended to start preparing now and evaluate if your sector faces mandatory acceptance (see paragraph 28 in the eIDAS revision text as of November 2023)
  2. Follow the roadmap to implement suitable digital identity solutions that ensures interoperability in the long run: Data spaces should explore opportunities while building upon the foundation of eIDAS as a generic way to support digital identity processes in a future-proof and interoperable manner. Leveraging common EU-wide digital identity means allows for easier growth of a data space in terms of new participants. It also enables cross-sectoral data sharing opportunities. Data spaces can follow the roadmap presented in this whitepaper to identify suitable digital identity solutions and stay up to date with regulatory changes.
  3. Foster collaboration and partnerships: Encourage collaboration and partnerships in and among data spaces, digital identity providers, and regulatory bodies. This collaborative approach can lead to a better understanding of the practical implications of eIDAS and is the key to attain value in the long run.

These recommendations aim to reinforce the strategic approach of data spaces in adapting to eIDAS regulations and the evolving EU digital identity landscape that emerges from those.

Source: Centre of Excellence for Data Sharing and Cloud